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来源: //m.rabieb.com/日期:2022-05-11 发布人:admin
The arrow direction marked on the valve body indicates the pressure bearing direction of the valve, which is generally used as the medium flow direction symbol by the engineering device company. The leakage of the wrong device and even pipeline accidents are caused;
If the valve is not closed tightly under the recommended working condition, the direction of the pressure bearing device may be the direction of the valve. If the arrow is not closed tightly under the recommended working condition, it refers to the direction of the valve. Chaoda's soft seal ball valve is generally two-way sealed, and the arrow is generally not marked. The metal hard seal ball valve can achieve two-way sealing, but there will still be one direction, and the sealing function is still better. Therefore, the arrow will also be marked, which refers to the pressure bearing direction of the valve. You can consult the customer first.
For the hard seal butterfly valve with marked arrow, the arrow direction and medium flow direction are different in different directions of the pipeline. For example, at the outlet end of the pump in the pump room, the arrow of the valve body is opposite to the medium flow direction. For example, at the inlet end of the pump, the arrow and medium flow direction are common. If it is installed on the main pipeline, the arrow generally conforms to the medium flow direction. The specific situation depends on the working condition and device orientation.
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The wonderful contents of this article are provided by Lianggong valve. There are many wonderful contents on this website. You can click to enter more contents: //m.rabieb.com We have special customer service to answer your questions


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